New! Emotional Intelligence EQ 1-2: Emotional intelligence skills are critical for effective communications, leading teams, building relationships, addressing conflict, solving problems, and managing stress. We are certified in Emotional Intelligence EQ i-2.0 inventory, which is the world’s leading instrument to help individuals understand and develop emotional intelligence.
Hogan: Hogan provides the most in-depth personality assessment and is ideal for executive coaching. We are certified to support you with Hogan Insights and Leadership Forecast Series.
MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: We are certified support you with both Step I and Step II (Advanced) MBTI instruments. MBTI provides a clear yet sophisticated way to increase our own self-awareness and to understand how to work with colleagues more effectively.
MBTI can be used with individuals, intact teams, and organizations.
DISC: We are certified to run DISC behavioural assessments for individuals, teams and organizations. The DISC behaviors are easy to grasp and provide an excellent tool for team building and helping individuals and teams work more effectively together.
Strength Finder: We are certified with the Strength Finder instrument and can support you to explore and better leverage your strengths across your organization.
Change Style Indicator: The Change Style Indicator can help you to better understand your preferred responses to change, and how to work effectively with those who have different
Agile Change Agent: We are certified to support you to drive change in your organization using Agile Change methodology.
Design Sprint Master: We have a great Design Sprint toolset to help you innovate new products and services or streamline current processes.
Lego Serious Play: If you are looking for ways to boost creativity and innovation, Lego Serious Play (LSP) is outstanding! We are certified to use LSP methodology for innovation and intact team workshops!
STRONG Career Interest Inventory – We can help teams and individuals get greater clarity on career direction and opportunities for career growth.